As a business owner, how much thought do you give to your doormat?
It’s probably close to zero - that’s fair enough, we don’t expect people to agonise over what people wipe their feet on as they enter.
However, it is worth giving the entrance mat a bit of thought at least as it can be a cheap way to make a real impact.
For the business, the entrance doormat does two things.
It wipes feet and stops muck, dirt and water penetrating inside. This has secondary benefits - protecting the floor inside, greatly reducing the risk of slips and also reducing cleaning bills. The cleaner the floor inside, the easier and quicker to clean.
The mat can also boost brand awareness and provide cheap marketing benefits.
Think of the basic black mat, or the plain coir mat. If this is a good quality mat in good repair, then it certainly isn’t damaging your brand, but it also isn’t doing anything for it.
Compare this to a vibrant, classy mat, a personalised doormat that displays - well, it can display whatever you want it to display.
It could simply be the logo, or it could be the logo and some custom key information.
The mat could include a slogan, it could even mention some form of offer, or why customers should consider you - 200 five star ratings…
Why should you go this effort - why not just have the bog standard mat, it does a job after all?
Personalised DoorMats - Marketing At A Low Price
Every company needs to advertise, they need to get their brand out there. However great your product or service, you need people to know about it.
There are many ways to achieve this - usually, there is no singular solution, companies and organisations engage in a number of tactics. They have a website, there is signage, there may be printed marketing material.
All these can be hugely effective but they are also all expensive - they need to deliver bang for the buck.
An entrance mat alone will not solve all your marketing needs, however, it will do that little bit to boost brand awareness.
On entering your property, everyone will automatically notice the mat as they glance down to wipe their feet - how many people notice the sign or the engraving on the windows?
Perhaps more importantly, the mat can also attract the eye of potential future clients.
To give the example of a hairdresser, a well-maintained mat with the logo, name and perhaps simple message ‘appointments not necessary’ for instance could be enough to act as a reminder to that person. Next time they go to book their haircut, might the name of this hairdresser pop into their mind.
Possibly - it’s certainly more likely than if they hadn’t seen this mat.
Company Doormat - Attention To detail
A personalised entrance mat also suggests that this is a business or organisation that pays attention to detail.
As with so much in marketing and brand awareness, this is almost impossible to quantify, it is small changes that impact the subconscious.
A high quality, vibrant or classy entrance mat that has been printed especially for that business shows that thought is given to decisions and extra effort is taken.
It is a small detail that can create a positive first impression and also prevent there being a negative impression. If all the other businesses have beautiful personalised door mats, the one in a row of shops that doesn’t looks that little bit less luxurious or enticing by comparison.
You Need A Welcome Mat Anyway
Many buying decisions involve whether an item is needed at all. Is that fancy new sign needed, it doesn’t have any practical benefit, but it may boost brand awareness.
A doormat is not like that - it is necessary regardless of the design.
If you don’t have a doormat then mud and muck will be traipsed in, the floor will, require regular cleaning and a very poor first impression will be created.
Given a doormat is required, the question then becomes whether to choose one of three options.
- Bargain basement, whatever the local DIY store has to offer.
This is at best a short-term option. Will the mat be anti-slip, will it be robust enough to truly keep dirt and water entering the property?
How long will it last and is it guaranteed?
- A quality plain mat
A high-quality entrance mat of the style that is suitable for the intended use will be durable and last.
It won’t slip and it will ensure that what should stay outside does stay outside.
The only thing it won’t do is boost brand awareness. It is practical but uninspiring
- A printed, personalised entrance mat,
This will have all the same benefits of the durable, high quality plain entrance mat, but it will also work to enhance the brand.
It is an extra form of marketing, turning an essential item into a potential small source of leads and business.
Proven To Last
Personalised doormats can cost from under £50 and yet even at this price, the products com with guarantees for a number of years.
The mats use high quality printing and so the images and colours remain, they also retain their anti-slip and anti-fatigue nature.
This level of quality has seen us work with brands including Lego, the Olympic Games, Virgin Trains and more - companies and events for whom brand is essential, but where there is also high footfall.
About Mat Creations
All our team have many years of experience with the products you'll find on our site and each member will also have their own fields of expertise that can be called on for the more demanding projects.
Our objectives are simple, we want to clearly understand your needs, offer the correct advice and products then supply you quickly offering a hassle and trouble free experience.
Please contact us by calling 0161 320 3637, emailing or sending an enquiry via our Contact Form.